About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Almost Friday....

Nanny came over before I left work and got the girls so they could spend the night with her. Jessie was saddened to know they were only spending Thursday night with Nanny and not Friday also. I told Nanny they could stay another night if she wanted, because otherwise they will be spending Friday night with my mom since we have a Guys & Dolls Tournament on Saturday. Jessie was also very concerned if Nanny knew what she could eat and could not eat since she has had the stomach bug. She also informed us that it was not fair for us to eat stuff in front of her that she could not eat! Today I had lunch with my friend and former co-worker, Rhena. She is studying to sell real estate, when her days with SouthTrust / Wachovia are over. After work, I met Chad at Academy where I shopped for things for the tournament. I bought a new reel, like the one he has that I fish with already - an el cheapo, Shimano Syncopate Quickfire 2000. Cheap, but I like it! Headed home shortly to get packed and get laundry done!

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