About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


The Trouble with "tummies".........

My oldest daughter Jessie has had a "tummy issue" since Friday. It has flared it's ugly head with infrequency over the weekend and into Monday. Monday night turned into a full blown ordeal and we were in for the long haul Monday night all the way into this morning. I found myself up and down all night with her, almost every hour with precision which culminated with an early morning series of every 30 minutes going to her side. I soon found myself faced with having to call and cancel dental appointments for the girls that were scheduled for today. I also decided to call in the reinforcements to our house, so I could try to go in to work for some meetings I had scheduled today. The more I watched her, I knew I needed to be with her and knew I needed to contact the pediatrician. The fact that she had not anything of real substance in the past four days, combined with the fact that she could now not keep down liquids was very concerning. They agreed she needed to be seen, so now I was faced with calling the company that I have only been with since January and telling them my dilemma. Additionally, I had to contact the meeting participants and cancel on them....who by the way, are people I've never met and have tried to arrange this meeting for almost two weeks. I know my children are my priority but the situation still left me feeling very torn. I have felt from the beginning that the new group I work with is a very family oriented group and that was confirmed even further today. Thank the Lord! So, here we sit with persistent "tummy troubles" with one and the other one bawling over the sound of thunder as we wait for the next wave of storms to roll through our area. Praying the medicine kicks in before bedtime and that we can get a peaceful nights sleep....unless the storms have other plans! p.s - in spite of the tummy trouble this weekend, we celebrated Shelby's Third Birthday at Pump It Up in Trussville. We had a great time with our family and friends on Sunday. It looks like Christmas In March has come to our house with all the toys and clothes she received. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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