About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

Or maybe it's the other way around - Good Neighbors Make Good Fences ! I know very few people can relate to the excitement a fence can bring...but this is one fence that is certainly building excitement daily. Chad and Steve (my niece's boyfriend and resident horse expert) made the trip to Tractor Supply yesterday to buy the fencing. When I got home, they and our neighbor, Tanner, had almost one roll of fencing up around the perimeter....two more rolls to go, as we are putting up three rows of fencing. Steve thinks a few more days of that kind of progress and we will have it up. I can't thank Steve enough for his guidance, work and assistance. It was a blessing to see Chad, Steve and Tanner out there putting up the fence and I am so thankful!

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