About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Progress on all Fronts

Jessie had lessons last night. She was riding really well. The farrier was coming to shoe Goldie and Hannah. When he got there she was loping and looked absolutely beautiful loping around the arena. Later I mentioned to him that we were doing costume leadline this weekend and he said "she looks like she is ready for more than costume leadline"! I told him it was Shelby and I that were doing costume leadline.....he said Jess looked really good and looked like such a natural. She really does when she is in her groove riding well. We had a house guest last night...Tiffany, Chad's sister stayed with us as Mark (her husband) is exploring Europe for the next couple of weeks. What a life! ha ha ha..... She kept Jessie company last night while I think Jessie kept a foot in her ribs all night. The girls went to his Mom and Dad's today to swim and spend the night. So, Chad and I had dinner at the famous Green Top. Gotta love those BBQ salads. We came back, fed the horsies and then put clamps on the fence.

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