About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Where to Begin....

Well, it's not been quite a year since my last post so better late than never. I'll try to recap from last July....since that time....I got married, I bought a horse, then bought another horse for Jessie, decided my horse was too much horse and sent him to a trainer, bought another one from her (so technically at that point I own three), put our home on the market and it sold the first week it was on the market, bought another house with land to move the horses to our house but have to get the stumps cleared first, Shelby turned four, bought Shelby a pony - now we own four, got the land cleared and Chad has started the fence, Jessie turned eight, Jessie went to horse camp, then we just returned from the beach, Shelby is in zoo camp this week and Jessie is going to VBS, we have riding lessons tonight for Jessie, WHEW - what a year! Oh, did I mention my employer decided to merge with another bank? As if I didn't have enough going on.....oh well, nothing like CHANGE to keep your ticker ticking (really fast)!

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