About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Thoughts on children....

The other night while tucking the girls into bed, I decided to be silly so I waited until they asked for their normal "hug and a kiss" which is a part of the nightly routine. Sometimes we even have to do it twice so they are sure they got it. Anyway, I was being silly with them and told them that I had decided to start charging for my hugs and kisses. I expected fussing and whining and got just the opposite. Shelby started scrambling out of the bed looking for her purse..she said she had money in her purse! Jessie knew she had tooth fairy money and was ready to get it. I was almost in tears to know they would pay for my "hugs and kisses". It actually made me feel bad. But, then I started thinking what an eye opener things can be...that they would pay for my silly old hugs and kisses as I tuck them in bed at night. One day they may not want me tucking them in....just like Jessie decided one day to not wear hair bows anymore....and just one day she didn't say "sippy tup" for "sippy cup"....and one day she didn't say "Dranny" for "Granny". It seemed like overnight those changes occurred. Chad and I discussed this weekend, that we wonder when Shelby will quit saying "underbrella" for "umbrella" or "pannicakes" for "pancakes".... I wonder when they won't need me to supervise baths or supervise pouring drinks or fix Shelby's strawberry milk in the morning. NO matter when all those things happen, I hope they will always want or need my hugs and kisses. I know their hugs and kisses can always make me feel better and yes, there are times when I would pay for them!

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