About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


Back at Home

On Wednesday, I took my California acquaintance to the airport with me. Her flight home was an hour earlier than mine but I didn't mind getting there early....better safe than sorry. It paid off because I was able to get on standby for an earlier flight home and successfully made it on that plane. It only got me home an hour earlier but it was worth it. I was so glad to see Chad and the girls. Houston was not some place I will miss and am glad the course is over. The course, instructor and exam weren't exactly on the same page - so my score is yet to be seen. We immediately resumed normal activities...went and bought feed, went to Pizza Hut, went home and fed my equine babies and started straightening up. Some things never change! But again, it was good to be back home. We will be setting up our little above ground pool for this weekend. Hopefully it will help relieve some of the heat! I know Chad is ready for our 'projects' to die down.

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