About a working wife, mom and owner of four horses who lives in Alabama....and trying to take things "one day at a time".


How The Weekend Began.....

Ok so everything didn't go as planned.... This weekend was interesting having a "little one" in the mix...I had almost forgotten what that was like. James is a great baby but a baby nonetheless! So, you are solely responsible for their care, cleanliness, hunger and entertainment! Jessie and Shelby were a great help caring for their cousin! We had a good night Friday night. At bedtime, both girls bedded down in the living room to sleep near the pack and play and keep watch over baby James. He slept until 3:00'ish a.m. Chad was getting ready to leave for his tournament and came to tell me James was up. I asked him to do a pacifier check and that worked! Yeah, a few more hours sleep. At 6'ish, he was up again so we did bottle and he dozed back off. He was up shortly thereafter and we embarked on our day. After our morning activities were complete, we were all going to take a dip in the pool.....so we headed out. James was out in his float about 15 minutes and got sleepy. So back in we went.....I kept an eye on the girls and got him happy. He went back to sleep which was around 10:00 so I seized the moment to start getting ready for the day. Had the girls come in and they started getting ready also. We left to meet my brother, aka Uncle John, aka James' daddy (boy that sound scary) and we were leaving in a huge rainstorm. We got soaked trying to load everything up. Had forgotten that part of having little ones too! We met him under a bank drive thru which was closed for the day and left to go to WalMart and buy a birthday present for Caitlin's party. In Wal-Mart, Shelby experienced a first - she asked for something and Jessie was asking for something also. Jessie was told yes and Shelby was told no. The difference here is Shelby refuses to help clean up or put toys away. So, Jessie will pull double duty and I will reward Jessie with "allowance". I told Jessie she could use her allowance for this and showed Shelby if she would help out and pick up then she could have also. It was hard for me..as I am not sure Shelby truly understands the concept. But I know she understands she is telling me "NO" when she says she doesn't want to pick up so maybe she understood my "NO" also! Left Wal Mart going to the feed store.....five bags of feed should get us a week...we will see. Then to the b'day party. Horse show was cancelled because of rain....whew we couldn't have made it anyway. Chad and Ryan didn't get a check but had a good showing anyway.

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